a joyful
work in progress!
I’ve been on an artistic path since I was a little girl and have enjoyed all of the expressions of my creativity from being an illustrator, book author, and fabric designer to developing my brand and the creation of colorful home and fashion products. But what’s been most interesting is how my path has changed and re-arranged in order for me to be my happiest self along the way so new opportunities for expression could be revealed.
Each turn and shift has paved the way for my next expansion as a creator and has shown me that creation and the happiness that I can derive from that, is a very broad term, and if I allow it, it can show up for me in amazing ways. Practicing embracing change and being willing to grow and experience things differently over time has awarded me a lot of fulfillment and inspiration. The more I let go and trust the process while I actively choose what’s right for me, surprising gifts and talents come to the surface that I didn’t know were there. What I’m learning and what I want to share is how life is happening for us and always opening into more.
My journey as an artist is a great example of life’s processing as I now create as a Reiki master, artistic & personal development leader, mastermind with Dave on our inspiration magazine Blossom, and develop products and experiences that enrich people’s lives. I’m having fun and loving my life and I want that for everyone. This is what fuels my passion to keep growing with others and offer workshops. They create a sense of community and safety where we all can explore and connect with what’s up next for each of us.
Over the past few years I’ve had the great pleasure of co-creating with my friend and life coach Hildie Dunn from The Handel Group and many other artistic friends. We come together in a very fluid way, inspired by where we are in our own lives, with the intention to bringing our passions forward and design experiences that support our guests in body mind and spirit. The creative activities, cultural travel and personal development sessions that take place are designed to empower, open hearts and have fun! What I’ve discovered is when creation is happening by making something by hand, writing or moving our bodies, this act of self expression becomes the perfect pathway to the heart. Creating keeps us in the present moment and makes the spaces we need to open, evolve and understand ourselves in a deeper way. Each experience creates it’s own unique community where like minded souls come together and support each other creating friendships that last a lifetime.
I’m excited to see what happens next!
my colorful past
I look at these images and say to myself “Wow, that happened!“ It’s a joy to look back and see this outpouring of creation. Working alongside Dave and with the structural support of so many amazing people, I got to have this beautiful experience, to design what I love! This journey of almost 20 years has opened the doors that have lead me to where I am now, I am incredibly grateful. And the friends I’ve made! I’ve collected a lifetime of memories and cherished people. Print, pattern, ethnic design, color and texture all inform who I am. These passions and fascinations have lead me to many incredible adventures across the globe. Creating and sourcing beauty is one of the greatest joys in being an artist. I hope you find some colorful inspiration here today!